Writings so far...

Thursday 29 May 2014


Each day you get up with a purpose , a thing to do, a thing to be sad , a wish that could become true. A little thing not said, A little thing not told pinches you and leads you to grief... 
Don't look back as its passed away, you might hold something beneath... Life never makes you understand, what its purpose is like,it thus makes you to live behind that purpose and understand what better you have to do... 

Maturing does not come when you hold back a fight or a revenge,It comes when you let go of the past and move on with a smile ahead... Be a toughnut which is difficult to crack, A hardstone when things hold back,Life is difficult for those who complain, matured people lead ahead without a pain... Maturing comes when you understand  little things in life, not a bigger cash balance... So many fights, tiff, jealousy you hold within... 

Just sit back and ask yourself that what is the purpose for you to hide yourself from the world 'you' live in... When you were a kid, you wanted to have everything that you could,Now as you are grown up and think why I should ? The thing that comes up in everyone's life is Have I done enough ?If you get the answer YES then surely you haven't lived enough... 
Understand we all come with a Happy, Satisfied and Promising life, but why do we have those sorrows and happiness as a part of our life ? Things change, people change, time change,but remember my friends change can only happen when your inner child says within you to ACCEPT THE CHANGE ! Maturing is not a sign that you are progressing, It is however a sign that you have to understand more things ahead... 

All the Best- Dipti

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