Writings so far...

Thursday 29 May 2014

ALWAYS REMEMBER . . .                                                                                              - Dipti Sudhakar, SYBMM

A couple of days back I was sitting and recalling the things when I did when I was a child ! Those things which were so called 'notorious' didn't sound like one to me ! They were all no big deal NOW. And when we used to get those punishments  like not coming on time (which is a trend in college) , Flaunting those long nails ( which is a beautiful thing NOW) and tying a pony tail with excess of oil (was so eww)  and nowadays even guys like to flaunt their hair and give a complex to women ! I was wondering all these years as a teenage and now as an adult What we all have been through in our college be it a personal, public, corporate or any life is much more than a restricted school life. We had been advised and lived under certain rules in our schools. And Now in college we really don't follow them ! That's why  being in school's rules and regulations,  we still enjoyed  things in a better way. Life in college has changed SO MUCH now.

Here, when you help someone , they take you for granted and when you don't help someone, you are considered to be mean. When you keep quiet you are very cunning and when you blab about something then you are the most talkative person and a headache to be with. We do come across what are we supposed to do . We are so stuck up in between this haywire that one might wonder OMG ! I am fed up. We are already so busy with the lives we are living with . Be it with the throwing projects, with the attendance on our head , participating for different college festivals, maybe with the internship or part time jobs  or just with nothing to do ! Life can be unfair at times and you end up thinking "School Days Were The Best Days Of Our Life" (surely most of them will agree ) Certain rules were implemented so that we know our limitations. Just like we are advised to write on a ruled page. Have you ever wondered why ? It's certainly because we all have to follow them . Similarly if we were given a plain page would we all know where we were  suppose to write and on which line. The Headline comes up and the script in between ? Definitely a NO !

I wish life could only be restricted till school and never out of it ! But indeed our school is the beginning for the rest of our life. And living a life in such a metropolitan, busy and full of chaos city, we realize that life is much broader than what we have learnt in books. It's no more a Fairy tale, It's a world of reality. We even forget to sit quietly and listen to our inner voice. We forget that we run behind those who don't even deserve us. Just try stopping in between and some won't even  care to come back and we mistake them as friends. And do not value those who wakes you up in the morning and FORCES you  to come to college. Who tells you not to eat so much as you may put on. The people whom we take for granted are always the people who love us  ! Our family and some of those true friends (which are rare these days). Somewhere down the line one day most of us will realize that the time we wasted on wrong people would have been more worthwhile if we spent them with our beloved. Never forget a little effort that someone took for you, just for being a part of your life. Or never forget those who stood there when you pretended to be 'okay', But still 'not okay' from inside. You may achieve a lot of fame, success and money in your life but one little message here is to convey that NEVER FORGET THOSE who were the reason behind it. Never think that you always stood alone and It's all because of you. Trust me you do need a moral support ! It's even  your friend that gave  that confidence in you just by congratulating you or patting you behind! Realize things before , rather than sitting and cribbing about them later ! 

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