Writings so far...

Thursday 29 May 2014

A Lesson called Life . . .

The essence of life is too amazing. And with time I've realised :
The less people you chill with, the less bullshit you deal with.
You do good or bad , you will always be talked about.
Nothing in this world is as precious as much as what you think about yourself & not the vice-versa.
Man's ability to deal is measured on how he treats his woman & Woman's on what the society talks about.
When you can share laugh & crack rubbish. It is when the frienship develops not when you're "directed" to behave !
Learn to have patience with yourself, you need it much more to handle the jerks around you !
When someone can remember your little conversations. He genuinely listens & is interested.

People who believe that Karma is a bitch, already know their deeds.

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