Writings so far...

Friday 20 June 2014

She is special for a lifetime !

Right before, an year back. Things were different. I remember 21st June, 2013. Yes, that day ! It was a friday ! It was raining quiet heavily. I was at home. No , I wasn't enjoying the rains. I was highly irritated with the annoying noise. It was "meow, meow, meow". I wondered what went wrong with the neighbor's cat. Is she okay ? Since 4 a.m! It could be the worst sleep.

To my surprise, when I got up in the morning with fighting sleep. The sound was still up. Again that annoying "meow, meow". I finally fought my patience to step out & see. I had a very annoying grin & saw a tiny lil kitten that was completely wet in heavy rains. The cat was in a condition where it wanted a shelter than a milk. I didn't realise. Like every other nerd, I step into my rainy gums, kept some milk. To my surprise the kitten left it & followed my foot steps. All wet & drained. Entering our house.  I held her, and realised "omg, she needs to be wiped". And with some "not so good discussions" with mom. Somewhere, I just wanted to give her warmth.

Wrapped in the warmth. I got her in. My sis was busy in her laptop. While I happily introducing her to this kitten. How can I ever forget the panic-stricken mode my sis was in! With lot of mutual understanding we requested to keep this kitten till the rains went off. But animals, are too cute to let go easily. So with lot of convincing, we decided to keep this kitten & take care.

It was a day of blessing ! For sure, nothing can replace the love non-verbally animals do. The next day she was alright. She was jumping on our legs infatuated by a moving object too quick. We all were compelled to wear a full length cloth to save our lives. One fine night, I realised this ought to have a name. She is too cute to be called just-a-cat or a stray ! So we named her "Mishi".

It's been an year exactly today. And what I learnt that cats have more understanding than human beings. You tell her not to bother, she will make a tiny face and wait in the corner. Even after giving food, she will wait outside till you finish your shower & follow henceforth. When you return home after a tiring day, she will stand before hand & wait & welcome you to come inside & not herself to go out. She will trust you the most than her other cat mates for the shelter that you gave her.

You give her 1 meal, she will keep licking you as there's nothing tasty. She will clean herself and make sure to clean you. She will get her toy and place it on your feet to say "please play with me", she will have all the daring to roar to her other cats only under your eyes. No, cats are not cunning. You give them love they will reciprocate. You give them hate & they will bite you the whole night. They're smart & too straight. They too need their space.

The best moment that me & my family enjoys is when she finds our feet for her most comfortable sleepy afternoons & nights. And right now, she is right next to mine. While I am typing her honors.

I love you Mishi very much. You've taught - the not-at-all-animal-lover (mom) to love you. You've taught "it feels lively to give a life". You've taught to restrict the play fight till play and not beyond. You've taught to give much more than recieving. 

Sunday 15 June 2014

So here I am back again...

So here I am back again, with my laptop, involved in my own world. Staring outside the window, blessed with rains, dark clouds and a perfect cup of tea. Well, that's what most of us, imagine our lives to be. I am simply clueless or jobless. Honestly, I am not here to crib my dilemma, but this is probably the phase that many of individual might have been through!

Getting back, I am still thinking on what topic should I write - Love? Philosophy? Fiction? Self-help? I would end up just typing something on my own & publish it like some foolish content? LOL ! Life is at this stage where I am in my own little world of fragrance, too lazy to step out in rains, too busy doing nothing, cuddling my cat in 1 side & dosing a heavy nap on the other.

Finding internships, to kick start my career as a copywriter somewhere, where all my knowledge would be in some productivity.  On the other side, my colleagues & classmates are happy finding their own or enjoying a 'Hawai' kinda vacation. I am simply B-O-R-E-D... It's said that life grows beyond your comfort zone & It seems I am the last one to get a hang of it. My observation on life says, it's out of the most unexpected situation, you face something worth it. From the most shocking perception, you see the reality.

Past six months have been well in 2014, But for me, it could be the super best if I make through something that I really wish for. At this point of time, I realise, being the best in whatever you're and you can, makes you a strong contender to survive in the world of big whales.

Just not sure where to land up, whom to look forward for, what to believe & simply what to say. At this point of time, when you simply have nothing to do. Trust me, more than the people around you, you feel so wasted. We all know that there's something BIG in mind, that is much more than WE 'planned' for. The ultimate test is to wait. Are we really patient enough to wait? Do we simply put a blind faith? Without working hard for it?

The truth of life is its too bitter to accept the future if it's not designed like we thought about it. The philosophical version would be simply take as it comes & go with the flow. I am wondering which great book would stack my shelf this month? ;)