Writings so far...

Thursday 28 December 2017

It’s been a year of intense growth!

Hola! I will be turning 25 tomorrow and look what a year can do to you! It can teach you so many things at one go. I see people around me weighing the ups and downs of 2017! I rather see it as how you went through the situations, relationships, stress, happiness and everything that once troubled you! Think about it? Isn’t it funny or weird how we categorise a year based on our own perception? For me, when I say an intense growth, it really means turning 25! Moving on with life, being comfortable alone, going on a date with myself, loving God, praying for others and being grateful for this life. That’s how this age got me! That’s how I realised that it’s important to forgive and learn the lessons, wisely.

I remember all these years talking about philosophy and life, talking about introspection and love, talking about friends and family, everything that sounds ‘good’. Everything that’s right at one moment but immediately breaks down in the other. I am sorry 25, I have been busy not figuring out life and just embracing it, going with the flow and stop cribbing about it. Look life! What did this year do to me? Going to places that I’ve never been before, experiencing and accepting the bitter truths and white lies of life. Yet believing that this age is just a number that I’ve braced so beautifully.
Beauty of life

Change is a constant partner and so is life, coincidentally! One moment you think you’ve it all figured out and the next moment you practically have nothing to look for. I just want to shed some light on your thoughts. Taking things for granted. Life, my friend, isn’t that fair but you are strong and are full of compassion and always, end your day being grateful for the little things! It’s only when I detached myself from people, I learnt the beauty of this ‘One life’. I learnt that smile is contagious, I learnt those who don’t listen to the waves do not know the depth of the sea and the only landing after take-offs in real lives are the ones without dreams.

Keep chasing, you don’t have to figure it all today at 20, 30, 40 or 50! Like they say ‘Age, my dear is just a number’ to that I add on ‘Don’t forget to embrace it, gracefully!’