Writings so far...

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Every thought = Idea: Writing for the Writer’s sake

Every thought = Idea: Writing for the Writer’s sake

Writing for the Writer’s sake

Finally I got there! Yes, I did! How is the feeling when you achieve your first step of dreams? With mine, it’s the same. I started working as a Copywriter. And now I actually and really realise it, that one cannot come up with a line that is random or without relevancy to the briefs! Big-eye-opener! *previous lines can go die*. So justifying my headline just writing for the writer’s sake is a strict no-no! You have to apply all the filters to your brain and then come-up with that one thing - bang!

It’s not just about work or briefs, it’s much more towards our lives. Don’t you apply filters to reach your aims? Your aim might be as simple as finishing up a book today! What filters do you apply there? You might keep your phone aside, decide not to take a stroll, or chill-out with friends, etc. When it comes to the writer’s point it’s as equal to applying certain filters, the most important information first! And the least goes last!

Have you wondered why some people achieve things more clearly and some stay vague. Well, I am still figuring out. May be with my observation, one of the reasons lies in filtering out the priorities to do, to focus and rebuilding the horizon. It cannot be done today, tomorrow. It’s a long term task! A task that can be achieved with major dedication and some basing. It’s the injunction to the mind to deliver a set of do’s and don’ts. The power of filtering and not doing it for the sake. Just like writing for the writer’s sake. I am working on the same and will soon reach there. I hope you will filter out as well, to not do anything for a sake! 

Till then, happy enjoying things for the sake ;)